1-800-Bankruptcy Firms

September 5, 2017

Keeping it local can have many benefits

There are many sharks in the debt relief pool some are legitimate and some aren’t. If you are dealing with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee you can take comfort in the fact that they are legitimately licensed by the federal government to help you find viable solutions to your debt problems.

As a consumer, it is important that you not lose sight of the fact that a Licensed Insolvency Trustee does not work for you – and they rarely work for creditors. You seek out and engage the Trustee to help you, to work with you, to find a workable solution to your debt problems. The solution is not always ideal – it certainly isn’t a lottery prize – but it ought to be practical under your specific circumstances.

But here’s the thing – across Canada there are probably fewer Licensed Insolvency Trustees than there are accountants in a mid-sized city. Trustee’s are not located in all communities across the land. SO sometimes either you or they must travel to provide services.

Most frequently it is the Trustee’s who travel, our office does it – we will meet with clients within a one hour travelling distance from our central office. Some trustees are willing to travel further to meet with clients and take on insolvency engagements. But the more travelling they do, the less time they have for resolving client issues.

Not only that but they may start to become more “corporate” and sometimes less convivial and compassionate. You met with and placed your trust in Trustee but you might never have contact with that individual again throughout the administration of your estate. By keeping things local you can avoid having to deal with strangers by telephone – but then, hey, maybe you would prefer that.

To find a local trustee follow this link find a trustee in your area now
