Blog Articles

Go Bankrupt, or keep paying the Mortgage?

July 8, 2024

Should you go bankrupt or keep paying the mortgage? You must understand that going bankrupt is not only about your past or even you present, but it will also affect your future. A well timed bankruptcy can save you hundreds of thousand of dollars.

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What’s the point in budgeting? 

June 17, 2024

Think about it, what is the point in budgeting unless your spending is out of control, or you have no idea where you money is going? The people who would benefit most from budgeting are the wealthy, those with superfluous income and spending control problems.

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Canada Obsessed with Debt

June 7, 2024

Canadians are obsessed with debt for good reason, the country is economically in a mess, with only about 10% of income earners being able to afford without access to some form of debt.

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The Illusion of Wealth

May 31, 2024

The illusion of wealth is an important feel-good for individuals, governments and banks, all for different reasons.

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Rates, Prices, and Wages

May 24, 2024

Change your focus, shift your priorities for home ownership. Rates, Prices and Wages are in reverse order, currently rates remain at an historic low, prices are far too high and wages way to low.

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Bank Issued Credit Cards.

Jars filled with cut up credit cards
April 8, 2024

Bank Issued Credit Cards are expensive and one of the most damaging aspects of the Canadian Consumer economy!

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The Changing face of Debt in Canada

March 27, 2024

Debt in Canada has outgrown all domestic production, Canadians now have about five times (5X) as much debt as they do income.

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becoming debt free is only the first step
February 9, 2024

There are many factors that drive house pricing, and a multitude of market conditions, some of which have been very unusual in recent years. Join the conversation, let us know what you think.

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January 25, 2024

Death and taxes, so cliche, yet so appropriate when talking about Canada’s economy.

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Lock Consulting.- Best Business of 2024
January 24, 2024

Income is an often overlooked econmic problem in Canada, people have become so accustomed to using credit to bridge the gap between inflation and their income that they simply accept the status quo.

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Housing Costs

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December 15, 2023

Housing costs have dropped slightly in the home sales sector but remain high in rental markets. Meanwhile incomes are continuing to trend downwards.

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Insolvency Rates Rebound

becoming debt free is only the first step
November 8, 2023

The economy is in a mess, insolvency rates rebound allowing people to find relief from overwhelming debt levels. Call us today at 519-646-2222 for your free consultation.

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Surplus, what Surplus?

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October 19, 2023

Surplus what surplus? If you are bankrupt and have been assessed for surplus income, and you can’t afford to pay it, do not dispair you have alternative possibilities.

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Everyday Financial Risks

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October 18, 2023

Prepare to face your everyday financial risks, whether they involve leverage or reach, discuss your options and explore alternative ideas.

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Consumer Proposals Help Ontario Homeowners

Consumer proposals
September 5, 2023

Consumer proposals help Ontario homeowners, perhaps far more than may be expected. Reduce your debts and stay in your home.

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Consumer (Proposal) Protections

Tom Locke - Insolvency Trustee in London, Ontario
July 26, 2023

The Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act does provide a number of consumer protections for people filing consumer proposals.

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Insolvencies are Increasing.

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July 24, 2023

After three years of highly impactful reckless lending, insolvency rates are starting to return to normal filing levels. We anticipate a slight uptick in the new year.

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Compare Debt Solutions

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July 6, 2023

Use this blog article as a guidline to compare debt solutions.

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Save your Home – what you need to know!

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July 4, 2023

Canada’s first choice for debt solutions, a proposal, can help you save your home while managing debt.

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Do the Maths

Tom Locke - Insolvency Trustee in London, Ontario
June 27, 2023

The data speaks volumes – just Do the Maths and draw your own conclusions.

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