FREE Mug with Every Bankruptcy?

A free mug with every bankruptcy would hardly be an enticement to file a bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, in any event, LITs are prohibited from providing enticements to encourage people to file insolvency proceedings.
However, LITs are allowed to give away promotional material, just like other businesses. We usually give our clients promotional items like folders to keep records and important papers in, as well as pens, day timers, and note pads.
A few years ago, we had a batch of promotional coffee mugs made and we still have about twenty of them left in the office. So, to test how many people read our blogs we are having a mug give-away. Just call our office after you have read this blog and give us your name and postal address (must in SWO) and we send you a free coffee mug.
Call 519-646-2222
One per household.