Blog Articles

Surplus Income Part II – Application

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June 20, 2023

This is Part II of our |Surplus Income blog describing some of the practical components of calculating surplus as well as dealing with mediation or court adjustments.

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Surplus Income Part I – History

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June 20, 2023

Surplus income is something that all bankrupts, and their Trustees, must consider – in Part I we look at the history of surplus income in Part II we will take a more practical view.

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CEBA Update

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June 19, 2023

CEBA Update, time is running out for repayment and manys small businesses are likely to have serious financial problems – we can help!

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Wallowing in Debt

Tom Locke - Insolvency Trustee in London, Ontario
June 7, 2023

Liek it or not you are wallowing in debt, consumer debt and anational debt, it is getting to be extremely challenging to live without debt,.

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Three IMPORTANT Questions

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May 18, 2023

As you are preparing for your intial consultation with us, please keep in mind these three important questions, and bring along as much information as you can.

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Discharge from Bankruptcy – explained.

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May 16, 2023

Getting a discharge from bankruptcy is an essential part of the process. A discharge is usually an uatomated process, but in some cases requires a court intervention.

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CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency

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April 23, 2023

Like it or not CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency is taking over our traditional ideas of money and banking. In a sense “it must” – but will it fix the corruption in the global banking industry,that has led to cycles of economic woes, or will it just help to segregate people into even more divided fiscal classes.

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Credit Cards – pros and cons

Credit cards
March 30, 2023

Credit cards are the meat and potatoes of the insolvency industry, if they did not proliferate our economy LITs would have far less work. Read on for a discussion of the pros and cons of credit cards.

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Renegotiate your Proposal.

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March 27, 2023

Proposals can be renegotiated after they have been filed and approved by creditors. If your situation has deteriorated or you have a significant, financial, material change talk to your LIT about convening a meeting of creditors to review the possibility of amending your original proposal.

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CERB and CEBA Collections

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March 7, 2023

CERB and CEBA collections are underway, still, if you are getting collection letters we can help.

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The Debt Pool

Canada ranks high on debt level relative to income
February 15, 2023

Welcome to the Debt Pool – welcome to Canada. Canadian banks have their “newcomer programmes” where they provide free banking and $5,000 credit cards, without credit checks or income verification to new imigrants. Once they have you trapped in the debt pool they expect you to tread water for ever.

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Debt Management Programme or Consumer Proposal

OSB logo
February 10, 2023

Get to know the differences between a Debt Management Programme and Consumer Proposal and which is best for you and your family.

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Improve Your Credit Rating.

Billie-Jo, Estate Manager at Locke Consulting, London, Ontario
February 1, 2023

Whether or not you have filed an insolvency proceeding you may find some useful tips, in this blog, to help you manage your credit ratting.

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Bankruptcy is Great!

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January 17, 2023

Bankruptcy is great for providing protection from actions by creditors, eliminating debt and creating a fresh start.

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How To File a Proposal – step by step

January 4, 2023

How to file a proposal – it’s probably much easier than you might expect. The process always starts with a free initial consultation.

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Amazon – Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)

Jars with credit cards
December 30, 2022

Amazon is a very easy place to spend money, it contributes some jobs to the local economy, but little else, it also dehumanizes and commoditizes us all, taking away the pleasure of human contact when searching for the perfect gift, etc.

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The Power of a Proposal

Tom Locke - Insolvency Trustee in London, Ontario
December 16, 2022

We can help you experience the power of a proposal to your creditors we help you every step of the way from the initial negotiations through to the final payment.

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El poder de una propuesta

Tom Locke, Licensed Insolvency Trustee
December 16, 2022

Podemos ayudarlo a experimentar el poder de una propuesta a sus acreedores, lo ayudamos en cada paso del camino desde las negociaciones iniciales hasta el pago final.

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Re-regulate Banks.

Tom Locke
December 11, 2022

Our current mortgage crisis presents viable options for the Government to reregulate banks in a way that will benefit consumers – but will they do the right thing or return to business as usual?

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How to Keep your House

Drawing of house
December 8, 2022

Rates are still increasing and so are prices, and taxes. Many folks are in a financial survival mode right now. We have a few strategies to help you keep your house.

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